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Green Schools - Biodiversity

The Biodiversity Committee     
   Belcarra 5 Star Bug Hotels
   Belcarra 5 Star Bug Hotels

We are continuing our work on the Green Schools Programme and are now participating in the Biodiversity theme and working towards gaining our fifth green flag over the next two years.

Biodiversity is the huge variety and variation of life that surround us on this planet. While working on this theme we aim to raise awareness of the importance of native plants, animals and habitats and to increase species-richness in our locality .Biodiversity is important as we would not be able to survive on Earth without it. Here are seven reasons why:

  • Food

  • Materials

  • Medicine

  • Air

  • Cleaning

  • Recycling

  • Well being 

As different class groups cannot mix  this year​ due to Covid 19 restrictions the Biodiversity Committee have been selected from students in Ms. Noone's room. The Committee will coordinate the programme with their teacher Ms.Noone  the Green Schools Coordinator. Everybody in the school will be participating

in the programme and Biodiversity projects will be assigned to all classes over time. Fun opportunities for learning will include habitat mapping. nature walks, gardening, creation of bug hotels, bird houses/feeders etc. Work has begun in some of these areas already. Sub Committees have been set up in the other classrooms to ensure ongoing work on the past themes-Litter and Waste, Energy, Water and Travel.

We carried out a Biodiversity Awareness Survey in the school in October and nobody knew what the term Biodiversity meant. We have now learned that biodiversity is the variety of life forms, from the tiniest bug or flower to the largest animals at sea.

We are now working to help biodiversity in our school and locality. Junior Infants, Senior Infants,First Class and Second Class have already built some 'Bug Hotels' and designed a 'Bug Village' to shelter all our little minibeasts. All classes will be doing lots of other activities such as planting more flowers/trees, habitat studies, feeding the birds etc. throughout the year. 

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